Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Lord of the Rings" and Syria


We have been watching the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy recently. Last night, as we watched the epic battle in "Return of the King" begin, I found myself losing heart. (And I know how it ends, I've read the books!) In the face of seemingly insurmountable evil I do not see how things can possibly turn out 'right'. I know they do, but I have no recollection of the twists and turns it takes to get there.
I was reminded of the horrible things that are happening everyday in Syria. I can not imagine how there will ever be a way out of the mess and tragedy.

I sat right here, just a few days ago, and heard friends share of the atrocities that were happening, at that very moment, in Christian villages less than 100 miles from here.

My heart is heavy.

The thing is, as a believer, I know there will be, at some point, an end to the evil. Goodness will prevail. I just have no idea of the twists and turns it will take to get there.

I am thankful Someone greater has a plan.
It sucks that evil gets its 'day'.
I yearn for the 'happy ending'.

Monday, October 28, 2013

What Are You Reading?

“It’s Monday! What are you Reading?” is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. It is a chance for book lovers to share their reading accomplishments as well as what is on the proverbial nightstand. She even does a giveaway. Subsequently Jen and Kellee at Teach Mentor Texts added an opportunity for those reading kidlit to join the fun. Since I read both I will post to both. Check them out, join the conversations, and discover more great books.

Books marked with an '*' I would put in my classroom library.

Ruby Redfort Look Into My Eyes by Lauren Child
This isn't Charlie and Lola! There is still a strong female protagonist, but I was ready for it to end.

Small Acts of Amazing Courage by Gloria Whelan*
I enjoyed this book of a young woman's (mostly inward) journey from India to England as a contemporary of Gandhi.

My Lucky Life In And Out of Show Business by Dick Van Dyke (Audio - read by author)
An incredible life. I learned so much about one of America's beloved.

What Do Fish Have To Do With Anything? By Avi
I am usually a big Avi fan. This collection of short stories would do better in a MS class as the subject matter is more mature than anything else of his that I have read.

The Castle Corona by Sharon Creech*
I was pleasantly surprised by this book that weaves two worlds together in a page turning manner.

She Said Yes by Misty Bernall
Columbine was a long time ago. I came across a copy of this book as we were unpacking. The journey these parents went on, even before 'that day', was not a smooth one.

Stealing Magic: A Sixty-Eight Rooms Adventure by Marianne Malone*
These adventures are fun to read. I love the blend of fantasy and historical fiction.

Waiting To Be Heard by Amanda Knox (Audio - read by author)
Riveting! I was fascinated listening to her story. I loved that she did the recording herself and the turn of events is incredible (even knowing the outcome)!