For Poetry Month I've been trying to get some of my own work down using the strategies my class has been trying. One thing we have done is to take four nouns (ocean, fire, tree, night) and use them as inspiration with different things. The four words have been fun to work with and have brought a huge amount of diversity in poems. Here are a few of mine.
Indigo turning to ebony
and the stars pop out
one by one
Light fades
Darkness engulfs everything
Night doesn't care if you are
big or little
rich or poor
brilliant or not-so-much
It wraps you up and holds you -
for hours and hours and hours
Carrot and saffron tipped
with rubies
Dance and crackle
I lean closer, trying
to keep warm
Strike of a wood match
Flame creeps slowly taking o'er
The fire dance begins