Tuesday, February 9, 2021

It's Been A Minute

It's been a minute! Anyone who is living during this time does not need me to explain how the usual became the unusual (or nonexistent) and how the unfathomable became reality. This has been my experience in more ways than I probably realize while we are still in the midst of it. 

Last week I thought, "I'll start writing now so that the Tuesdays of February slowly get my blogging muscles back in shape before March arrives." 

And then my internet went out.

Of course I had left the blogging until the last thing I was going to do before I went to bed. I did jot a few notes in my writing notebook and chuckled at how used to things not going as planned has come to be what I expect.

Now it is a week later, barely mid-day, and I am writing a slice and looking forward to commenting on other slices in this community of writers.


  1. Ah, plans. They fall apart.

  2. Oh how delightful. I don’t have to wait until March. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the “slice” logo in my blog feed. Yippee. Now, to be patient until next Tuesday.
