Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I'm Ready

All of my adult life I have always had my next plane ticket in hand - until spring of 2020 when I cancelled all scheduled trips. And I was OK. I spent more than a year without a plane ticket in hand and it was OK. Some days it was even better than OK. Months went by without my thinking about where I would go and when. This week that has ended. Now, I am ready. I have plane tickets (for both summer and Christmas). I'm not certain I will be able to use them, but I have them. We shall see.


  1. I look forward to the day that I feel ready to board a plane again.
    I bet you're itching to see your family!

  2. Oh, how I miss traveling! I can't wait until we all get there, and I hope you get to use your tickets! Hope, what a good feeling!

  3. Wow! That is lovely! Plane tickets! I really hope you get to use them! I keep checking for mine, too, but I know my traveling is still some months away. :-(

  4. Oh, so fun to plan ahead. I'm pulling for travel in your future. I love your final words: "We shall see." Just a willingness to see what the future months bring. But I like the way you were OK without traveling too.

    1. I absolutely agree with you on, “We shall see,” because for all that we know of the last year is, “Nothing goes as planned.”

    2. I absolutely agree with you on, “We shall see,” because for all that we know of the last year is, “Nothing goes as planned.”

    3. I absolutely agree with you on, “We shall see,” because for all that we know of the last year is, “Nothing goes as planned.”
