Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Summer Goals

Write, Share, Give

Donalyn Miller posted about the #bookaday challenge here and it got me thinking. Summer starts sooner for some than it does for others. Being in the later category, I am not quite ready to be in ‘summer mindset’, though the #bookaday challenge has me updating my library holds and thinking through my summer reading list.

As I wrote about last week, my summer reading will have a different feel this summer as I prepare myself for my third grade classroom. Since I'm mixing things up, why not commit to #bookaday as well?

Summer commitments are hard to make. The freedom of time and choice, that is part of what summer is about. Will I feel confined by a number I need to achieve or will it inspire me to reach higher? I have taken on the challenge for Christmas Break, but that is just a couple of weeks and the short days lend to 'needing' to curl up with a book - every evening and each morning. What will happen when daylight beckons? Will I be willing to 'give up' a baseball game to read instead? These are hefty things to weigh.

What about you? What are you thinking about tackling for summer?


  1. I have never participated in #bookaday, but I always read much more over the summer than I do during the school year. This summer will be no exception, and I'm already building my list. I love your question: Will I feel confined by a number I need to achieve or will it inspire me to reach higher? I hope it makes you reach higher!

  2. Summer provides the time to really get lost in the books. I have no wish to aim for numbers, my plan is to choose some really good (and thick) books to savor, mixed up with extra light reading. Keeping my eyes open to reading suggestions.

  3. I love to read and I read a lot, but i would feel overwhelmed by a goal of reading a book a day. I plan to read a lot this summer, from my pile of books and anything else that seems interesting. I also plan to write and I'm very excited to be attending a Smekens Writers Retreat!

  4. I'm a third grade teacher too! Just made the move this year after teaching kindergarten for ten years. I'm in NY so we don't start summer until almost the very end of June. I want to take part in the challenge so I can have a lot more books to recommend to my students!

    1. Kathleen - Any suggestions for read alouds? What books are you finding your students devouring? (Summer for me starts June 19. The kids have started the count down of school days, but I have banned it from my room as we still have so much learning to do!)
