Saturday, April 27, 2013


Thursday evening G was saying she was cold. I wasn’t cold and she is wired like her daddy, not me. Knowing something was up I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I then got the thermometer to scientifically confirm what, as a mom, I already knew – fever.
It was a low grade fever, but a fever none the less. Fever always leads to the discussion on ‘who will stay home’. You see, we are parents that follow the ‘required’ 24 hours fever free (without medicine) rule before she can be at school. A fever Thursday night nearly ensures one Friday morning, which means someone will be home Saturday.
The point of this post is not really about the fever, but about how thankful I am that my career is as valued as my husband’s. Many (if not most) of my girlfriends know that they are the ones who will be home with their child. No discussion, that is just the way it is.
In our house we often do half day shifts, but since I was recently out on bereavement leave (and then a conference that was scheduled last spring) we both understood that my being in my classroom was the best option.
I am thankful that his schedule for today allowed for what we both wanted to have happen (sometimes he has a meeting he just can’t miss). I am thankful that he is just as capable as I am. I am thankful that she is happy with either of us home. Most importantly I am thankful that the fever broke Friday afternoon and they ended up having a fun day together and everyone is headed back to school tomorrow.

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