Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Intensive PD

My bags are packed and my boarding pass is downloaded on my phone; five days of intensive learning lie before me. 

The introvert in me is taking deep breaths: all day in a conference room with who knows how many people, evenings of social engagements, sharing a hotel room with a dear friend - they will all take their toll.

The friend in me is excited. I get quality time to catch up with a friend I haven't seen since June. We get to learn together and play together as well as one-on-one time for all the life we have to catch up on - and in person is better than any way technology connects us. The bonus of getting to see other friends who I have previously worked with is an advantage of international teaching and traveling.

The learner in me is cautiously optimistic. I like what I know of this presenter from what I have read and heard. I hope that day after day I am still glad I chose to spend the time and money on this intensive, (and I do expect it to be intense). 

Deep learning takes energy and breathes new life into my professional life. I have tried to be prepared for both.

Off I go!


  1. How exciting!!! That is a long time for learning. Do you have a technique for gathering next steps for when you get back?

    1. My flight was several hours after the final session so I chose to take and hour and go over my notes, noting down my big take-aways and next steps. The friend I was attending with sat with me so we were able to process some of it together. Now I am trying to calendar chunks of 'to-do before Spring Break' and 'to-do before the end of the year'.

  2. As a fellow introvert, I can relate. I also come back tired, but excited for all the new things that I learned. It is my sincere wish that you too will return excited and refreshed for having spend time with a dear friend!

  3. I hope it is everything you want. 5 days is a long time to commit to pd! Have fun with your friend as well.

    1. Erika, there were a few ISKL people there! I thought of you and look forward to March and a regular chance to peek at your 'new' life.

  4. Enjoy your professional development week. I hope it brings you new knowledge and a zest to try out new ideas.

  5. I can also relate with this. I am not good at networking! I went to NCTE for the first time this year...and oh my! Have fun and let the learning begin!

    1. I love the idea of NCTE, but I wonder if I like it better from afar! ;)
