Wednesday, March 13, 2019

If You Give A Girl Some Sand... (13/31)

13 of 31 - SOLSC 2019

Surrounded by sand dunes is fun for playing. When those sand dunes were under the ocean 50 million years ago you can also find shark teeth. While searching for shark teeth, after a lifetime of training for hunting agates on the beach, you discover a desert diamond. But there's still loads of sand for playing.


  1. Today, I am trying something new. I am commenting on the five slices posted above my own so that I can "meet" new slicers! Love the complex sentences hear -- each one beginning with a "when" or a "while" to show the cause and effect in your syntax matching the dunes.

  2. Your Give a Moose a Muffin format intro had me hooked - a clever way to entice readers to your Slice
