Friday, March 8, 2019

Planning for the Future - A Daughter Edition (8/31)

8 of 31 - SOLSC 2019

"ASA Sign Ups This Week" shows up in my inbox. I read through the offerings for the final round of After School Activities at my daughter's school and try to predict what she is going to want to sign up for. (This is a game I play to amuse myself.)

"Once your jobs are finished I would like to talk with you about the last round of ASAs," I announce as she enters the kitchen with her lunch box.

She perches on a stool across from me, eating mangoes and homemade yogurt while I go through the options for her grade level. This round she can pick two. I had guessed four possibilities and there were four she was excited about, but only three of the selections overlapped.

"Will you read me the description for French?" she asked.

U-11 Basketball and Drama are her first two choices. (#momnailedit) If one of those is full she decides on French.

"French instead of Crochet Club? You keep trying to figure out how to crochet." 

"French would be hard to learn. If I know English, Arabic, and French it will be better for getting into college." says my FOURTH GRADER!

What?! Keep the grin off your face. Realize she is expecting a response. What to say? What to say?

"Oh, so you think you're going to college?!" (#momsarcasm)

Eye-roll with a slight shake of the head from the nine year old.

At least our expectations are clear, I think to myself.


  1. Ha! What a charming relationship you have with your fourth grader. She's way ahead of the game. Now let's see how long you two can play this game until she becomes a teen ager!!

  2. Enjoyed reading the dialogue and the ending, "At least our expectations are clear, I think to myself," which shares a lot of feelings.

  3. This conversation rocks! I love that Grace has solidified her desire (Thanks to your parenting!) to go to college. And how practical that she knows a fourth language will make her look more attractive to admissions officers. (I wasn't thinking like that at nine!)

  4. Those are very diverse choices. It's nice that she has so many different options. Also nice that she's content figuring out the crochet on her own. :)
