Monday, March 15, 2021

Keep Clicking (15/31)

  15 of 31 - SOLSC 2021

Finally "eligible" shows up on the app. I am thrilled to be able to have my turn for a jab. 

Next click: "Book Appointment"
Eight clicks later: "There are no dates available right now." 

Repeat hundreds of times - hours each day. My status may have changed, though I'm no closer to the jab.

I feel like I am playing a video game. I have to win eventually, right? I have tried most hours of the day (not so much from 3 - 6 a.m.). When will the magic/winning click happen?

Maybe right now...


  1. Woohoo, Level 2 in itself is cause for celebration! Here's hoping you cross the remaining levels of the game before the end of spring break!

  2. You’ll get there. Where I am people are having more luck calling for appointments. Good luck.

  3. I felt your pain. A sadistic form of roulette via the computer. Hours and hours lost.

  4. Too funny and a little sad that I knew exactly what you were talking about from your little tease on the two writing teachers page. I went through a lot of this trying to get my mother in law an appointment. It's maddening and so nerve-wracking! So many clicks! So much false hope! And then if you finally do get one, it's like snagging the great tickets at a concert! The mad dash to book it before it disappears!!

    Good luck.

  5. I hope by now you've gotten that appointment! Unbelievable, how hard it is in many cases. Here's to that magic click...
