Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Out for a Walk (30/31)

  30 of 31 - SOLSC 2021

"Come with me," I said, taking my daughter's hand and leading her down the stairs.

"Put on some shoes."

I opened the door and we headed down the driveway. As we approached the sidewalk I asked, "I'm walking you. Which way do you want to go?"

Barely looking at me, she pointed to the right. I could tell she was concerned about what was happening. She knew she had made a poor choice. 

About half way down the block I said, 
"I'm walking my daughter."

A few steps later I continued, "
The purpose of walking a dog is often so they have the opportunity to get something out of their body." 

A look of understanding crossed her face, yet the furrowed brow showed she wondered where I was going this this.

"I'm walking you to get the grump out," I continued.

She tried to contain it, but was unsuccessful and the giggles spilled out.

Phew! I thought. I wasn't sure this was going to work, but I had to try something. I had finished a meeting and gone downstairs quietly, as she had class. I rounded to the corner and found her not in her call. 

"Are you going to class?" I asked.

She burst into tears and stomped upstairs, flopping herself onto her bed.

"Your daughter is skipping class," I messaged my husband.

Sighing I went back to work. When the clock told me class had ended I decided to take her for a walk.


  1. This explains why I need to get out of my office and take a stroll around the city square in the afternoons. To get the grump out!! I love it!

  2. This explains why I need to get out of my office and take a stroll around the city square in the afternoons. To get the grump out!! I love it!
