Wednesday, March 2, 2022

(2/31) Ashes

 2 of 31 - SOLSC 2022

Ashes mark my forehead. They say to the world that something is different, something is happening. The ashes acknowledge the finite reality of current life. They are applied in community with the scorched remnants of the waving palms that accompanied the Hosannas from last spring. The community walked together into the city. Now the community walks together awaiting the return to the city - and then the coming of a new city. Both now and not yet. Both here and somewhere I can't imagine. Lent has begun.


  1. Many blessings your way as Lent begins. Wondering... We are so similar, and yet so different in every way. Human are complicated!

  2. Best wishes. May you get all that you hope for this Ash Wednesday, and through Lent. May the end herald great tidings for the world!

  3. Stay blessed. "They are applied in community with the scorched remnants of the waving palms that accompanied the Hosannas from last spring",your writing sounds so poetic!
