Thursday, May 24, 2012


My general attitude is that it is better not to look. I don't check weather reports (it is going to be sunny) and I have a thermometer at home. It is hot. I don't want to know exactly how hot.

Thermometer Hot by palomaironique - Thermometer hot - Thermom�tre chaud - Thermometer heiss - Termometro caldo Drawn by: palomaironique

And then there was yesterday. I walked outside about 11:15 a.m. and it was like having a hot hair dryer pointed right at me. The breeze kept blowing and it was hot. I had to look.

Generally our hot is in the upper 30s. Yesterday was 45 (plus 90% humidity). Oh my! That is more than hot.

Kids weren't allowed outside for recess and the two grades that had outside activities planned (field trip to the beach and Greek Field Day) couldn't believe their 'luck' to pick the one day with a spike in the temperature.

Today it is back to the upper 30s. In three weeks I will be happy for the 'hot' 20s in the Pacific Northwest. (Or even better, the teens and rain.)

It's all a matter of perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I looked up how to convert Kristi & that's 113 Fahrenheit. Oh my, what a day! It was doable, but yesterday, with end of school activities, we had a cold front arrive & it rained & was cold, which I liked, but those who had to be outside, not so much. Sometimes, the weather gods don't smile on us, right?
