Friday, March 8, 2013


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What the heck is #gafesummit?

This weekend I have been at the Google Apps for Education Summit Middle East, hosted by the American School of Dubai. It is a professional development conference put on by Google.


The weekend gave me, not only the opportunity to hone my Google App skills to a higher level, but also a chance to connect face to face with people I usually only interact with online through COETAIL and Twitter.

What kind of sessions were there? Everything from "Docs 101: A Getting Started Guide to Docs, Spreadsheets, presentations, and Forms" to "Managing your Google Apps Domain". Here are some more titles…

Conjugating Google Apps in the World Language Classroom
Inbox Management - Making order out of chaos
Get the Best Mileage Out of Your Drive
e-Portfolio Has Gone Google
Traveling cross the curriculum with Google Earth

That list doesn't include the sessions I went to or many others that were offered. There is another post coming with my reflections and take aways, but right now I must find my bed as the alarm will soon go off for the start of another school week.

Stay tuned!


  1. This is truly confusing. I am turning into a dinosaur, technology-wise. I wouldn't have had a clue what to sign up for! I look forward to your reflections and take aways. Hopefully, I will find clarity!

  2. Google is amazing - they do so much it is impossible for one person to know how to do all that it offers.

  3. maybe you could write some posts about how to do all this???

  4. could you write about how to do / use some of these features?

  5. Looking forward reading your future posts and all that you learned!
