Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Customer

After our day on the Mekong we ate at an open air restaurant over looking the river. Before heading back to our hut we passed a massage place. One of my favorite things about traveling in this part of the world is that I can enjoy a foot massage on a regular basis. 

A foot massage pampers more than just your feet. Your feet do get the majority of the attention, but you calves, thighs, hips, head, neck, and shoulders also get worked. All of this attention, for an hour, costs anywhere from three to ten dollars. (The extravagant price is sought at your hotel or guest house with the masseuse coming to your room.)

Up until today we have waited until G was sleeping and then we would go, in shifts, for massages. This afternoon she was pretty tired and in a good mood. She was enjoying playing with a rock and using two leaves she had torn up as pretend money. I asked her if she would like to watch me get a foot massage. (Daddy was going to do research, comparing a Laotian massage with his previous Thai massages.) She was up for it and thought she might like one of her own. 

J headed upstairs for his massage while G and I settled into chairs side by side. She is naturally observant and spent most of the the time taking it all in. The older, German speaking woman in the other side of her was half way through her foot massage and the young, Thai man on the other side of me was having a head, neck, and shoulder massage. As typical, my massage started with a foot bath, but this one was COLD! Right then I thought G would give up the idea as she does not like cold water. We would see. She did zone out a bit, putting her thumb in and closing her eyes, but it didn't last long. After about 45 minutes she reached for my hand and started practicing the techniques she had been studying and did quite well!

J and my massages were finished and she was still interested so J's masseuse gave her a three minute, trial version (without the cold foot bath). She loved it and is ready for one of her own. So begin the days of family massage outings, at least when we are in SE Asia. 


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