Sunday, March 4, 2012

A chill in the air

I love wearing socks, jeans, and a hoodie. This may sounds like a strange exclamation, but I live in Saudi. Usually my only opportunity for such attire is when my husband has the AC jacked up.

We have been fortunate, however. Since we moved we have actually had ‘winters’. What do I mean by ‘winter’? Anything below 80 is cold. I do realize that cold is relative. For Jeddah, anything below 80 puts people into sweaters and jackets. This year ‘winter’ started in late November and continued into February. We didn’t even bring sweaters with us when we moved. All of my school clothes would be considered summer clothes back home. February came and days started creeping back into the 90s and we all figured we were on our way to summer. There were still a couple of cooler nights, but the sun had its warmth again.

And then I stepped outside yesterday and there was a chill in the air. Seriously. I was in sandals and short sleeves, as always, for school. I was pleasantly surprised to find the wind blew with a touch of cold to it. With this kind of weather we can turn off the AC, open the windows, and enjoy a fresh breeze as opposed to the artificial cooling of an electrical unit. (The only downside being our breeze is usually laced with loads of dust.) And, it wasn’t a one day phenomenon either. Today is the same way. I don’t care how long the reprieve lasts. I am thankful it is here. These are the days I rush home and change into my socks, jeans, and a hoodie. Ah, comfort.


  1. It is so interesting to read about your life in Saudi! I'm north of Chicago so we have our fair share of all the seasons. It has been warm this winter but I have dreamed about what it might be like to be able to wear "summer" clothes all year long. I think I would just be happy if I didn't have to deal with winter coats, boots, gloves, hats, etc.!

  2. I bow down to you! I think I would die in that kind of weather, although being from Iowa I'm used to both sides of extreme weather. But I do best in hoodie, jeans and socks type of weather. P.S. I love the fact you live in Saudi! I had a penpal from there once.

  3. Ahhh yes! Weather and comfort. I live in Ohio where they say if you don't like the weather, don't worry it'll change. I prefer warmer than what it's been lately but 80s would be great. How hot does it get?

  4. Thanks for sharing your slice...I'm envious! :)

    I, too, am an international school teacher, but unlike you, I live in Shanghai where we have REALLY COLD winters. You know, as in freezing, rainy, dreary winters. This is very unlike the Texas winters I grew up with- where anything below 70 is considered cold. I'm struggling with this winter, and would love to see Spring! I would love the warm weather and sunny skies again. Hopefully in a month...:)

    ~Jennifer K.

  5. I have to ask...can you wear a hoodie and jeans in public or just in your home? You said "usually" so I am wondering if there is an opportunity outside your home. Just naturally curious about how things are the same/different between here/US and there/SA. I don't always believe everything I see on TV or read in the paper.

  6. Fun! I'm just starting to notice spring creep in here. While the air is crisp, I started to smell spring this morning.... Oooo... writing idea!

  7. Great realization that around the world there are different perspectives about the weather. I am in New England and we have had a very mild winter. Most days are in the 40's and I am cold. I keep thinking in the past we would have days in the teens and I would think 40's were quite balmy,

  8. You are so right cold is relative. I love your glimpses into a world where I have no knowledge base. Thanks for sharing the other side of the world with us. I'm glad you are having fun with the challenge. It becomes addictive, doesn't it?

  9. Interesting! I live in central IL so we truly have four seasons. I love it because there are things I like and dislike about all of them. I don't know if I would do well in a place where below 80 is considered cool - yikes! Glad you are enjoying some cool weather, hope it continues for you!

  10. My house is 54 degrees inside this I smiled as I read your post...I have on a HUGE fluffy bathrobe over a hoodie and sweats....I'm not really cold...but I do have to drink hot tea to keep the fingers moving!
    I'll be at my mother's place in a few hours and there she will have it heat set at 74...and have on almost as many clothes as I do!
    The cold, warm and just right feeling is all "relative" to where you are at any time in your life...and you ahve to make the best of what you have!

  11. @Jennifer Are you at SAS? You definitely get winters up there.

    @Wanda So glad you don't believe all the media! That is a step in the right direction. I do have to wear an abaya (think Harry Potter robe) when I am not on our compound or at school. Being in Jeddah (something about west coasts being more liberal) I don't have to cover my head.

  12. It is so true about everything being relative! I do love all four seasons, but I am always cold, no matter the season! But, like you, LOVE to bundle up! So, I can relate! In the summer, spring, winter or fall, I LOVE to be in a hoody and socks, although I do look forward to spring/summer/fall when I can wear my flip-flops, I do so love my flip flops as much as I LOVE my warm socks!
    Thanks for sharing the glimpse into your world!

  13. South Louisiana can be much the same way, but we struggle with rain one day, windy the next, cold, hot,it's always changing. Except in August when it is just plain Hot. I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog in the Slice Of Life Challenge. I am digging in, too, hoping to inspire my students, but also hoping to get myself into a daily habit of writing. Thanks for sharing!

  14. As I was reading your slice I was thinking about how people react so differently to weather depending on what you're used to. In Chicago as soon as hits 60 I start ripping of my coat in glee!

    On a side note. What kind of access do you have to technology at your school? Would you be interested in some kind of exchange project? I teach fifth grade too. It might be cool to have the kids comment on each others writing or maybe a mystery skype? Email me if you're interested!
    kmuhtaris at

  15. I love how relative our reactions to weather are! I discovered when I started spending time in the Caribbean, that I really love hot weather. I don't think I would be up to temperatures that live above the 90s for months at a time, however! Think I'll stick with my 85-90 degree days in JA!
