Saturday, March 3, 2012

Syrup Fridays

March SOLC

Friday mornings are our family's special time. We have a leisurely morning, which is helped along by my placing a few books and a doll in my daughter's bed before I crash the night before. This usually allows the big people to sleep until 7:30 Friday morning - sleeping in for our house.

We then play and hang out until one of us decides we are hungry. On Fridays our breakfast choices are either pancakes or French toast. Once the decision is made the selection is made by Daddy. This 'Syrup Friday' (though G doesn't get syrup - she has PB and fruit only 'jam') has been modeled for us for years by great friends in Amman, Jordan. They have a special family breakfast each Friday and sometimes we would be invited over to join in. When we moved to Saudi we brought the tradition with us.

Sometimes G helps Daddy or supervises the griddle. It is then her job to set the table. Plates, silverware, napkins, and toppings are gathered in the kitchen and distributed at the table. We then sit down with a steaming plate of yummy breakfast, say the blessing, and enjoy our breakfast.

Once we have finished eating a new tradition has been added. We play games. Uno and Memory are the current favorites with variations of each thrown in for extended family fun. Often there is music playing throughout the morning and always the sun is shining in the window.

Ah, Fridays.


  1. What a great tradition. I really like how you are already adding to it.

    I really believe that simple little things like this are what cement a family and creates wonderful memories.

  2. I love it...this was Sundays in our home when our kids were growing up. Those special breakfasts and the game playing will stay with them the rest of their lives. We still laugh over those memories and our boys are in their 30's. You are giving your child and yourself something that money cannot buy. Other games we added to the list...Rummy cube,cribbage, Connect Four, Chinese checkers,Parcheesi,and eventually Trivial Pursuit:)

  3. I know that feeling of finding those little tricks, putting a doll in your daughter's bed, so you can sleep in at least just a little bit!

  4. So important to have (& begin) those traditions. I love your final lines: "Often there is music playing throughout the morning and always the sun is shining in the window."

  5. Sunshine and music. What great additions to your family's day off! You are making memories!

  6. Those weekly traditions are so great - your kids will remember them for years to come.

  7. That's such a great tradition!

  8. A true slice of life! Thanks for a peek into your world. So what are the working week days and weekend days?

  9. Neat tradition! Meaningful Fridays :)

  10. This is what your children will remember about their childhood. Games are so fun. Enjoy Fridays!

  11. Special days, special memories. My dad made scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with jelly every Sunday of my growing up years. He was horrible at French Toast- too eggy! Enjoy, kids get big and move away way too soon!

  12. It is not only important to have our traditions, but also we must consciously work to preserve them. Documenting them serves to remind us all of how important our special practices are in the course of our lives.Thank you Kristi for reminding us of this important fact.

  13. Oooh, I love homemade pancakes! Sounds like a lovely tradition. I forget that Friday is the weekend for you over there!
    jee young

  14. @Wanda She is only 2.5. We have loads of games, but these are what she is ready for.
    @elsie Our weekends are Thursday / Friday, making our work week Saturday - Wednesday. Hard to get your head around, I know.

  15. Sounds great...our Fridays are the same as Monday through at school by 7:45 ugh.

  16. Delightful, Kristie. I still love Uno and board games too. You gave me an idea for a slice. :)
