Thursday, March 15, 2018

Inspired By One Another

15 of 31 - SOLSC 2018

The Slice of Life March Challenge is hosted by Two Writing Teachers and part of the Slice of Life Story Challenge that takes place each Tuesday throughout the year and everyday in March. It is a supportive (and awesome!) community of those trying their hand at writing and encouraging others in their writing. Join us!

Yesterday Kathleen wrote about Piku in her slice. I was inspired.

Pi Is Gone
Et Tu Brute

The Week Ends
Today, Thursday

The Weekend
Begin Play, Rest


  1. The repetition of Now speaks to me. We must be in the now and not worry about what was.

  2. Yippeee! I kept Kathleen's post as a point of inspiration for a later slice too. LOVE this!!!

  3. Less is much more here! I'm hoping that the "Et tu Brute" was just an allusion to the Ides of March and not to a personal betrayal!
