Monday, March 22, 2021

Math and Mindset (in regards to 31 days) (22/31)

  22 of 31 - SOLSC 2021

31 days. Not a ton. Not a few. A month.

The excitement of starting something propels you to the starting line - and across, down the path.

When day two arrives, 31 days seems like a trail of switchbacks stretching up and up and up, as far as you can see. Spring Break seems like it will never arrive and the to-do list gets longer and longer. 

Somehow you continue; some days with gusto and some days simply putting one foot in front of the other. The showing up goes OK. The reading and commenting is energizing. The writing, once an idea germinates for the day, takes root and reaches for the sky. There starts to be a path behind you, as well as in front of you.

One week in and you start to feel accomplished. Ten days in and you realize you still have so much more to go.

And then poof, Spring Break is behind you and you can clearly see the final ten days to the summit. The realization washing over you as you realize that 31 is a number that has so many different perspectives, depending on your mindset.


  1. I did not really know what to expect when I decided to join the Slice of Life. I learned about it only two or three days before March 1. Not a lot of tie to think about it. Your slice today puts it in perspective, 31 different perspectives...

  2. "Somehow you continue; some days with gusto and some days simply putting one foot in front of the other. The showing up goes OK." ALL of this rings so, so true! I couldn't have described what I feel so well!

  3. Hi Kristi, I thought I would reach out. This seemed like a good way to do so. Enjoyed reading your Slice blog. I just wanted to say....

    John C.

  4. Kristi, I just ❤️ reading it.
